LogMeIn Technician Console on Linux via WINE

While experimenting with the LogMeIn Technician Console a few weeks back, I was sad to discover that the installer did not work with WINE.  However, the problem is only with the installer.  If you install it on a Windows system (or Windows VM), you can copy the two directories it creates in Program Files to a WINE prefix and run it without issue!

This is not about copying those directories, as that’s fairly mundane.  This is about how to get the SSO integration working, even though the LogMeIn site doesn’t normally allow it.  Here are the things that need to be done:

  1. Create a .desktop file.  Not just so you can easily launch the technician console from your desktop launcher, but so that you can get the correct mime-type associations needed by xdg-open.
  2. Update your local mimeapps.lst.
  3. Create a launcher batch file.  Not just so you can easily run the technician console from the terminal, but so that you can re-write the parameters from xdg-open to the format needed by the executable.
  4. Install a user-agent spoofer so that you can masquerade as Windows on the LogMeIn site so that they don’t redirect you to “Unsupported Operating System” when you attempt to use the SSO launcher.

Creating the desktop file:

Using nano, or some other editor of choice, create the file ~/.local/share/applications/logmeindtc.desktop and put the following in it.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Remote Control Application
Exec=logmein %U

Next, update the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and add the following line to the end:


Finally, let’s create that ‘logmein’ batch file we referenced in the desktop entry.  I put this in my ~/bin/ directory so that it will be in my path:


cd "/home/evil/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/LogMeIn Rescue Technician Console/LogMeIn Rescue Technician Console/LogMeInRescueTechnicianConsole_x64/"

# The web protocol handler URI is just a list of parameters for the executable
url=$(echo $@ | sed 's/^lmidtc:\(.*\)/\1/' )   # Chop off protocol identifier
url=$(echo $url | sed 's/%22//g')              # The exe counts on the shell eating the quotes, so don't pass them - even as real quotes.

WINEDEBUG=-all exec wine64 LMIRTechConsole.exe $url

[Edit the cd command to your appropriate directory]

This batch file modifies the URL into the parameters expected by the executable.  Make sure you specify wine64 and not just wine.  It won’t launch when called via xdg-open otherwise, and I’m damned if I know why.

Also, be sure to ‘chmod +x ~/bin/logmein’ to make it executable!

Finally, you just need to install a user agent spoofer.  I use User-Agent Switcher for Chrome.  Anything should work, as long as you can create a permanent spoof entry to make logmeinrescue.com believe you are running Windows.

And that’s all there is to it!  I’m not a power-user, but I’ve used it several times now to help remote users and the desktop control works great.